Just to keep everyone posted with events, a date we were all looking forward to on 24 September at Bob Brunning's Blues Club in London has now been postponed by the venue due to a double booking. Some of you will know this was the event we were hoping to record for our next CD release. The date should be replaced for something later in the year but it's a little frustrating for us all as we've mentioned it to so many people.
Thanks for your patience. Hopefully, we can all adjust our diaries again soon.
For those in need of a Big Blue fix in the Sussex area, we have 3 gigs in a week in Barcombe, Framfield and Worthing - check our gig listings for further info.
While I'm here, and it's been a while, I'm reminded of one of our last gigs in Sussex at The Junction in Polegate on 23 July when the planets seemed to align for a truly memorable gig. Great crowd, great sound, great atmosphere, and I thought the band really sounded good and reminded me of why I actually do all this!
I hope another one like this will come along soon.
It dawned on me that we can't have a great gig without a good crowd so we really appreciate your support at the gigs.
Make sure you all say hello at the next gig you can make it down to.
that's the day before my birthday - & in london too! It could have been a super celebration night xx
Posted by: Ruth Moog | September 02, 2008 at 13:27